Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bring the books

Do you remember the growup feeling of holding a book at arm's length and reading. Even simple words like see, come, go, hat and cat were delightful for a first grader to read. And then we advanced to big words like "something" and"everything".
We snuggled against a mother while she read to us. "How can she remember to tell the story exactly the same every time?" we wondered. When we could read for ourselves, the appeal of books was a compelling force. Transported into other worlds, we found there was much to learn, see, do and imagine as we devoured many good books during childhood. Whether twirling on a backyard swing or drying dishes, a book became a familiar companion. We read while we brushed our teeth or buried our heads under the blankets to read with a small flashlight at night. Even through the teen years my mother continued to read wholesome, uplifting books to us in an effort to strengthen our faith.
The pleasure of books has not faded as youthful energy wanes. Life may be full of things to do, and places to go. But there is always a book waiting on the shelf beckoning. In the farm house, we had a bookcse in nearly every room of the house. Now, in our current home, we have a room our daughter-in-law named the "Library".
Yet, with all the books we possess, none compares to the Book of books! It is the greatest Book ever written! The Bible is God's way of revealing Himself to man. Many good books have been written under God's divine guidance, but no other book can claim God as the author, except the Bible! Various human writers were so completely directed by God that every word is His inspired writing. Napoleon said, "The Bible is no mere book, but a Living Creature with a power that conquers all who oppose it."
No other book can bring comfort, healing, hope, courage, guidance, challenge, conviction and faith like God's unchanging Word. Take away all the other books if you will, let the Bible remain!
The Apostle Paul said, "When thou comest, bring with thee...the books, but especially the parchments." 2 Timothy 4:13
Sometimes people are in awe when they meet a "real author" like my sister who has written about half a dozen books . Have you met the Bible's Author yet? Don't put it off! It is a life changing experience!

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