Thursday, March 5, 2015

Spring Days are coming!

Wash Day
The clothes are washed all clean and bright.
They are lying in a pile.
They're very wet and very still.
But just you wait a while!
The minute they are on the line,
Held down with wooden pegs,
You ought to see what happens to my pajama legs.
They dance and twist, then turn around and puff out big and fat.
I'm sure that when I have them on
They do not look like that!
The pillow cases flip and flop,
The stockings make me laugh
I am afraid the big wide sheets will tear themselves in half.
Now Mother is coming for the clothes
too bad to spoil their fun.
I'm sure they'd like another day to play in wind and sun.
author unknown

1 comment:

  1. That's a cute poem! I am ready to put laundry on the line again now that I don't have to wade through the snow to get to it.
