Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Truth about War

I read a book recently written by Edith V. Landis who lived in Berlin, Germany during World War II with her family. She tells of the horrors they experienced during the war. Edith became one of the first German brides to come to America after WWII. She spent the rest of her life at Mt. Pleasant Mills. Her new book From the Horrors of World War II to a Great Love Story is an eyeopener. I quote excerpts from one chapter in the book:
" Slowly, one by one, German soldiers came home with torn uniforms and rags on their feet, completely exhausted and sick. It was heartbreaking to witness. They must have walked hundreds of miles.....
It still upsets me to hear news commentators, and others in America, referring to World War II Germany as "Nazi Germany", and the German soldiers as "Nazis". Nothing is further from the truth. Most of the young men were drafted just like the young men from other countries....When I witnessed German soldiers coming home one by one, physically and emotionally destroyed by the actions of a crazy, fanatical ruler, it was heart wrenching. If only all the rulers of the world, who sit behind desks ordering young men into battle, would settle differences amongst themselves, then no one would have to experience the horrors of war. The German soldiers had no choice. In the end it was a matter of survival- to kill or be killed. I am sure the average soldier, on either side, would prefer not to kill another human being. There will always be a few sadistic men who don't mind the killing. Thank God there are not too many of them in this world."
The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) is still the best way to bring peace on earth!

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